Getting Started
Start here. Dashboard, Glossary, Check Types, V2 - V3 Guide.
5 articles
Users, Bulk Functions, Email Templates, Business Units and Integrations.
9 articles
Verifying & Reviewing Documents
Managing Documents, verification and verifiers, file deletion / retention.
6 articles
Isolate and solve issues within the CheckWorkRights platform.
6 articles
Configure alerts, automate reports, export of data.
2 articles
Managing Employees
Employee Record, Search, Filtering, Historical, Delete Employees.
8 articles
Adding Employees
Passport scanning, mobile and web application, and Australian Citizens.
4 articles
Labour Hire - Contractor Management
Contractors, Right to Work, QR codes, and 'farm-gate' scanning.
3 articles
Work Entitlement
Right to Work. Automated VEVO Checks.
4 articles
Check Specific Support
Information about police checks, RSA checks, and more.
5 articles