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User Management

How to manage users across your organisation in CheckWorkRights.

Updated over 2 months ago

This is only available to "Administrator" logins. This feature is only available on the web application.

User Access Levels In CheckWorkRights

When creating a new user in CheckWorkRights, you have different options when assigning their level access. Any of these options will give your user the ability to verify documents, no matter which access level they have:

  • Administrator: 'Super-user' access, allowing the user to have access to all areas of the CheckWorkRights platform, including adding and removing users, and export all data from the application.

  • All Employees: Web and mobile application access. User can view all employees within the organisation.

  • By Multiple Business Units: Web and mobile application access. Allows the user to view selected business units only and employees within the organisation.

  • By Single Business Units: Web and mobile application access. Allows the user to view a single business unit only.

  • Verifier / Reporting Only: No application access. Verification and reporting emails only.

  • Recruitment Team: Web and mobile application access. Allows the user to add and view candidates, complete verification and receive reporting emails.

Adding Users to CheckWorkRights

  1. Login to your CheckWorkRights account.

  2. Select Admin from the left tab.

  3. Select Add User on the right of the screen.

  4. Enter the user details and check if you wish to send the user a Welcome Email.

  5. Set the Account Profile as either Administrator, All Employees, By Multiple Business Units, By Single Business Unit, or Verifier/Reporting Only.

  6. Select Save.

The new user will be sent an email asking to set access credentials. They will then be able to log into the web and mobile application.

How to Change User Access in CheckWorkRights

If you want to edit a users access levels within CheckWorkRights, you can select 'View' on their user profile under the Admin tab. Select Access Privileges and edit their access under the Record Access dropdown.

How to Assign Access to Specific Business Units in CheckWorkRights

The Access Privileges area of a users profile provides granular control over which employees a user can access.

For users with segmented access to employees assigned to specific business units, two lists will appear. One listing the business units an the user can't access, and one listing the business units they can access. Using the checkboxes and arrows, you can select a business unit from one of the lists, and move it to the other one, restricting or expanding the users access.

Employees with no business unit are always inaccessible to users of this type.

Note: The default verifier field in the business unit editing area is not related to who has visibility over the employees in a Business Unit. For more information on assigning and editing verifiers, click here.

How to Remove a User in CheckWorkRights

If you want to remove a users access to all of CheckWorkRights, you can select View on their user profile under the Admin tab. Select Deactivate User in the tile on the right. This will move the user to the Inactive users section on the Users Dashboard.

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